Only pay for results.

Collabs help companies work with influencer marketing to make better decisions, save time and increase profits.

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What does it cost?

Collabs price is excluded what you choose to pay influencers for the posts.
Drag the slider to view the comparisson in price per view*.

I want this many views


views cost

Closest competion cost That’s 1.3X more for the same results.

See for yourself β€” Book a demo

No hidden fees. No headache guarteed.

*views counts each time someone views the content posted (impressions).



In Collabs you have limited spots in a campaign. For instance 10 spots available that 100 influencers want.



You choose influencers with equal numbers (followers, engagement, etc). Everyone is invited with the same offer. First to accept takes a spot.


Hurry and get a spot

Campaigns are popular and fill up quickly. You are in control of demand and price. You only pay for the results produced (impressions).

Our secret-sauce


Collabs help companies work with influencer marketing to make better decisions, save time and increase profits.


Our influencer search tool. Filter on influencer stats and audience. Add influencers to campaigns or lists.


Like tinder, swipe! Find influencers by swiping Yes or No and our AI learns what you are looking for.

Find similar Soon

Click an influencers name to open their profile and find similar influencers as that one


Create, manage and run with up to 200 influencer per campaign, without breaking a sweat.


Get a good overview of your campaign results. Benchmark with other campaigns.


No more tedious one-by-one invitations by email or DM. Personalized auto-invites through Collabs.


No more tedious one-by-one invitations by email or DM. Personalized auto-invites through Collabs.


Create and manage lists. Easy overview of combined stats and audience. Use for campaigns.


These guys represent your brand. Find new ones or add the ones you already work with.


Talk directly with influencers that has joined your campaigns.


Automatic payments for completed campaigns directly to the influencers by card or invoice. No hidden fees.

Collabs Score

Detects fake traffic, inactive followers and quality of engagement. Influencers gets a score of 1-10.

Easy as a snap. Reach your goals with influencer marketing.

We guarantee the best overall market value combined with great customer support where you only pay for results.

Get started β€” Book a demo